Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I Like the Film Watchmen

Probably the one film that I get the most guff about liking, and it is my favorite movie of all time, is Watchmen. A lot of people I know do not like this movie at all, either it's too long, or Dr. Manhattan's penis is on screen for too long, whatever. I really enjoy the comic a lot, and I thought Zack Snyder did a really good job adapting it. The one problem I have, and spoilers are to follow, is the change from the original ending of the alien attack to the one with Dr. Manhattan's power attacking everyone and him becoming the enemy. In the sense of the film it makes more sense that Dr. Manhattan would be the fall guy, his power and reason for existing in America is questioned a lot in the narrative, and it seems almost logical for the end to have everyone hate him. But I also really like the comic, and that the world needs to come around and help stop the threat of the alien/dimensional being, while Dr. Manhattan's work is done and he walks off to live his life alone. They are both good endings in their own sense. For the people who don't like how long it is, all I can say is I own the Ultimate Cut of the film, and being 4 and a half hours, it is a very long film. But being a fan of the comic so much, I can sit through it. It grips my attention throughout the entire film, and for some people it didn't. Also to the people that said there was too much Dr. Manhattan's penis, read the comic, he is naked throughout the entire thing. I really enjoy the acting, Jackie Earl Haley was amazing as Rorschach, the set design was great, it look a lot like the comic, and overall it was a great adaptation of one of my favorite comics of all time.

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