Monday, February 28, 2011

And the Winner Is...

So the Oscars are done and gone, and it is time to reflect on the winners and losers, and although this was one of my worst Oscar prediction nights (I was 11/22, which is terrible for me) here are my reactions to the show.

1. David Fincher didn't win best director? The King's Speech deserved its Best Picture win, but Fincher was probably the best director this year with The Social Network.

2. Alice in Wonderland won 2 awards? What is this crap? Now I know the visuals and costumes were good in that film, but really? That was a terrible movie. In the words of my roommate, "True Grit: 0, Black Swan: 1, Alice in Wonderland: 2...Something is wrong with that." So true.

3. I thought Hailee Steinfeld was going to pull off the win. Although Melissa Leo was the front runner to win, I though Hailee Steinfeld did a better job. I can't really explain it, I just though she would win.

4. Why was Tron: Legacy not nominated for best visual effects? I'm not sure that it would win over Inception, but I though Tron was the most visually pleasing film of the year. And on that note...

5. Why was Daft Punk not nominated for best Original Score? Come on, it's Daft Punk.

6. I sort of wish Exit Through The Gift Shop would win, just to see what Banksy would do. I know everyone was saying that, I wanted to see it too.

7. Franco and Hathaway did a very good job this year. I like the opening with them immersed into the films. It reminded me of what MTV does for the Movie Awards. It was really funny and great.

8. Where was Ben Stiller? I always look forward to Ben Stiller's presentation, from his Avatar costume last year, to dressing up like Joaquin Phoenix the year before that. Where were you Ben?

9. Lastly, congratulations to all the winners. You all did a good job, and I applaud you.

That's it. So until next time, this is me signing off.

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