Monday, October 31, 2011

Film Review "Paranormal Activity 3"

Boo! Happy Halloween everyone! Ok, technically I am writing this on November 1st, but I did watch a scary movie yesterday with enough scares and jumpy moments to last me a time. However, while the film did have scary moments, it was in the end not the best, so here is the review of not only Paranormal Activity 3, but the entire Paranormal Activity series.

**Spoilers Ahead**

Paranormal Activity

Unlike a lot of people who have seen these films, I like the first Paranormal Activity. While there are a lot of found footage films out there today (Cloverfield, [REC] etc.) PA is different. The way the scenes are filmed feel very real. The constant, static camera shots (which are a mainstay for the entire series) make you feel like you are watching the tapes later after all the action has happened, which is how found footage films should feel. Another reason I like this film is its building in the suspense and its subtlety. The tension raises as the film progresses, with the beginning activity being just a door moving or a shadow moving across the room. It then builds to the Ouija board fire and the foot prints in the baby powder, to the eventual dragging of Katie out of the room and Micah's murder.

The film does have some faults. The main problem are the characters. Micah is a f@*king idiot. Why the hell would you provoke the creature? Also, the demonologist told you NOT TO BUY A OUIJA BOARD! WHY WOULD YOU STILL GET ONE AND MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE! Also, as my dad points out, some of the performances are kind of forced, especially the demonologist at the end of the film. However the performance of Katie is great. The scenes where she is just standing over Micah really sold the possession by the demon.

Also, the ending is kind of lame, like the director was trying to throw in one last scare to the audience. The original ending, Katie just being possessed and being shot by the police was much better, but doesn't set up a sequel at all like the theatrical ending.

The film feels real and the subtle activities make the film not only creepy but genuinely terrifying.

Final Score: 7/10

Paranormal Activity 2

This is when the series really takes off and produces a great film. This film takes the premise of the first, and while keeping with the building suspense throughout, the film takes it one step further and creates a great ending which had me actually looking forward to the 3rd installment. The difference between this film and the first was that this film actually went into the story of why the demon was haunting these people. It basically added a story to the filming gimmick. Giving the demon motive, especially wanting the baby as the motive, made his haunting and activity even more scary.

I also like how this film ties in with the first, with Kristie sending the demon to Katie, and Katie coming back and killing everyone, thus creating the premise of the first film, and an ending to the entire series. Which probably why this is the best film of the three. As I stated before, this film creates a background and a story for the entire haunting, which the first was lacking.

This film also had the scariest moment of all three films. It happened when the daughter was sleeping on the couch. The TV goes to static, and the rumble of the demon begins. You then see a shadow slowly crawl across the couch and right when it's about to reach her head, she wakes up. The shadow disappears in an instant and the TV goes back to normal, as if nothing has happened. Very creepy.

So in general, this film is the best of the series. It created the story and mythology of the series which would continue in the third, but not for the better...

Final Score: 8/10

Paranormal Activity 3

This is the weakest of the there movies by far. It lacks the subtlety of the first and while it has the story like the second, it's jumble and confusing. My first problem with this one is there is no build up. There are scares from the beginning, which is not how these films work. They start off slow, and then builds to the climax when something intense happens. And while this films does have a high ending, which I will discuss later, its high throughout, it doesn't feel right.

Also, the activities in this film are kind of cheesy. The hair pulling and being under the sheets, while being cool are kind of stupid in the end. I did however like the part in the earthquake with the dust, aka the subtle part of the film.

Now on to the story. What is happening? Something about witches? Is the grandmother a witch? Why did she kill her own daughter? Is Kristie getting married to the demon or something? Nothing is really answered, this just creates more questions than it answers. The second film had more answers, with the demon wanting the first born male child. But this film didn't explain anything. I implore anyone to tell me what is going on in this film.

Ok, now the ending. This ending came out of nowhere, and very quickly. They go to the grandmothers house, and after one night WHAM! everyone is dead. WHAT!?! Why? I still don't understand what's going on in this story. I do like the part where you can see a bonfire outside of the window, and the filmmakers don't draw attention to it, but they just threw that out the window with the back crack murder.

This film needed a better story. I was so looking forward to this film, I wanted to know where the demon came from and finally find out why it's terrorizing these people. But it dropped the ball. It could have been better is all I'm saying. Not looking forward to a fourth.

Final score: 4.5/10

So there's the reviews and scores. While the first and second films are interesting to say the least, the last is just a disappointment. Until next time this is me signing off.

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