Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Movie Review "127 Hours" "Spoilers"

127 Hours was pretty good. James Franco was great, especially during the amputation scene; you can really feel his pain. And the way it was edited was fantastic, the jerky camera movements and the quick editing was great. I think one of the greater aspects of this film is the music. To me, the music just seemed to fit the scenes very well. Danny Boyle's style of cropping multiple shots at the same time was pretty interesting, but at times seemed a little overused. At points it does work, like the opening title sequences, that was very good, just the last ones were kind of unnecessary. The ending was really great. Even though I knew he survived in the end, I was still on the edge of my seat. Also, I think the scenes where he is imagining his ex girlfriend seemed unnecessary. Now, I know this is all real life and this is actually what happened, and it was a reason for him to keep going and live, but nothing really came from this relationship. I just didn't seem the point. Overall a good film, I would say Slumdog Millionaire is Boyle's better film, but you can't really compare the two. Franco gives a very good performance. I have seen movies where there is basically only one actor in the whole film, and I feel they did it better, the main example being Moon with Sam Rockwell. That's not saying that Franco did a worse job, I just think Moon did it better. It is a good film, just not the best, or my cup of tea, and not my pick for the Oscars, although Franco might get my nod for Best Actor, it is between him and Colin Firth for The King's Speech, which is an excellent film. 6.5/10

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