Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life Without a Phone Stinks (replace stinks with dirtier word)

I am not good with technology. I had a laptop...it died. I had an iPod...it died...twice. I had a graphic calculator...it also died twice. I had an Xbox 360, well you get the picture. Last Friday, my phone died. And I mean died. Like the screen flashed red over and over again. I can only assume that it bled out and passed on. So until I can get to the AT&T store which is this Friday, I am without a phone. This really, REALLY stinks (again, replace with dirtier word). Not that I'm a huge talker on the phone, I barely use any minutes. Or a huge texter. I really only text my roommates and mother. The real problem I'm having is not knowing the time. I never know what time it is now. Am I running late for class? How much time is left in class? Is it getting late? Should I go to bed? I DON'T KNOW!!! It's agonizing. the only option I have is to ask other people for the time...and I don't really like people. I like my friends and family, but the general public not so much. And I don't think the public likes me very much. I get many dirty looks, but that's something else I think. Who knew a little piece of plastic and electronics controls our lives so much. I think I took it for granted sometimes. I forget its there, forget to charge it, things like that. Now that it's dead, I feel like a little part of me died. The time telling part at least. Also my ghost vibrations are gone. I feel so weird at the moment. I need you back. Quote Fort Minor lyrics, "Where'd you go? I miss you so". So the next time you throw or abuse your phone again, just think about how much life sucks without it. I mean, it's not life threatening like...your heart dying, it's like a metaphorical death. I don't know, I'm not a philosopher.

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