Friday, April 1, 2011

Film Review "The Room"

When you think of the greatest movies in the history of time, what comes to mind? Citizen Kane? Casablanca? The Godfather? The Shawshank Redemption? All pieces of s#%t compared to the visual and storytelling masterpiece that is Tommy Wiseau's The Room. If you want your mind literally blown and your eye's to melt out of your head out of sheer enjoyment of what you're watching, see this film. This film will have make the pleasure centers of your mind explode and have you screaming for more. Lets being the analysis of what can be called the film industry's magnum opus.

*Spoilers Ahead*

The film begins with the greatest tragic hero of our time, Johnny, just Johnny (simple and elegant), as he comes home from work to the most beautiful woman in the world, his future wife Lisa. After a few classic moments of small talk, their semi-adopted child prodigy Denny arrives for some hilarious banter until Johnny and Lisa begin making love which could only be compared to the upside down kissing scene in Spiderman and the pottery scene in Ghost in erotic nature, but this and the 3 others that follow blow all previous love making scenes out of the water. As the story progresses, Lisa begins to see the bad side in Johnny and the good side in his best friend Mark, creating complex character development. We are introduced to some of the greatest side characters in film and all of art history, and in the end, Lisa goes with Mark, and Johnny has to conclude his life in order to repent for the sins of his ex future wife.

Now am I saying that Johnny is basically a Christ figure. Possibly. What I am saying is that this film works on so many levels it is hard to keep track. For example, each character exhibits qualities of each of the 7 deadly sins:

Lust - Lisa - She can not be with just one man, she must have them all in a very erotic nature.

Wrath - Chris R - After Denny doesn't pay the money he is owed, Chris R must take his revenge on the boy.

Envy - Denny - Denny wants Lisa to himself, and is envious of Johnny's life.

Sloth - Mark - Does he work? We never see him work at all. Interesting...

Greed - Claudette - All she talks about is Lisa marrying Johnny to get his money and live the easy life.

Gluttony - Mike - All he ever does in this film is eat chocolates and cake.

Pride - Peter - Mister high and mighty, thinking he knows everything all the time.

And where does this leave Johnny, as the Shepard leading these characters through their sinful acts until he must sacrifice himself in order to absolve them from their sins. This film has a very strong religious theme that persist throughout. But it is also the greatest love/revenge stories of all time, with the complex love triangle between Mark, Johnny and Lisa creating a dysfunctional utopia that in the end is so life like, mirrors our own society and becomes the social commentary of our time.

Final Score - Over 9000/10
Great Movie Aspect - Everything you ever wanted to see in your life is in this film. You can die after watching this film, your life is complete.
Recommendation - If you haven't seen this film, go out and rent it, break into the nearest house you can find, and force the family living there to watch this masterpiece with you.

Final word - April Fools. This movie is terrible. ;-)